Oregon Trail History Learning System



SKU: 10173-BOX Category:

Format: Box
Age: 9 and Up
Platform: WIN/MAC

Build your child’s fundamental skills for learningsuccess!

Product Information

Oregon Trail brings real-life adventure where children take on roles aspioneers in the 1850’s, where they venture west across the frontier. Kidswill participate in the birth of our nation and interact with more than 30famous heroes like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and Paul Revere in LibertyKids. The Learning System also includes History Flashcards andRewards Stickers. Dozens of flashcards provide continued learning andfun when away from the computer. The colorful stickers are the perfectreward for a job well done – they can decorate notebooks, backpacks, and more!

Award winning educational software designed to provide a complete learningexperience!

  • The Oregon Trail 5th Edition CD
  • Liberty’s Kid’s CD
  • History Flashcards
  • Reward Stickers

Skills Learned

Children Will Learn:

  • American History
  • U.S. Geography
  • Social Studies
  • Map Reading
  • Following Directions
  • Managing a Budget
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Logical Reasoning

Children Will Gain:

  • Inspiration
  • Learning Independence
  • Confidence

Product Overview

The Oregon Trail 5th Edition

Are you ready to walk in the footsteps of those courageouspioneers? Catch a glimpse of a sunset over Chimney rock? Explore Fort Laramieand ford the Platte River? With The Oregon Trail 5th Edition, you can almostsmell the dust from the wagon train! Kids will build real-life decision-making and problem-solving skills as theychoose their wagon party and supplies, read maps, plan their route, and guidetheir team through the wilderness. Develop solutions to help your friends andfamily survive the dangers of the long journey, including raging rivers, buffalostampedes, sickness, and starvation.

Discover a learning adventure that’s greater than fiction – about real peoplewith real dreams, facing and overcoming real challenges. Builddecision-making and problem-solving skills as you experience the challenge oftraveling the trail! Travel the trails and make history come alive!


  • New Characters, graphics and 3-D environments!
  • New Storytelling feature combined with compelling simulation adventures.
  • Builds on the skills and simplicity of previous versions.
  • Play out a different scenario every time!
  • Enjoy updated fishing, foraging and rafting activities.

Liberty’s Kids

From the Boston Tea Party to the signing of the Declaration of Independence tothe Victory at Yorktown, put yourself on the scene of the AmericanRevolutions most dramatic moments! Become one of Libertys Kids theunflappable young journalists in search of the ultimate cover story. As areporter for The Pennsylvania Gazette, youll write about the events thatshaped our nation, encountering soldiers, spies, Indians, Loyalists, statesmen,and townsfolk in a series of incredible historical adventures. An unforgettablehands-on lesson in American history, journalism and more! Live theadventures of the American Revolution.

Experience the American Revolution as one of Libertys Kids the fearlessyoung reporters determined to get to the truth. Meet fascinating characters,observe great turning points, and witness first hand the birth of anation. Youll never look at history the same way again!


  • Understand the events surrounding the birth of our nation.
  • Learn valuable skills of investigative reporting such as listening, observation, and separating fact from opinion.
  • Meet more than 30 interactive characters including famous heroes like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Abigail Adams and Paul Revere.
  • Experience seven replayable events, portrayed from different perspectives.
  • Gather facts from an expansive reference guide to people, places, and events.
  • Challenge yourself with more than 20 printable puzzles, games, and quizzes.
  • Publish and print your own front-page newspaper story!

History Flashcards

Dozens of flashcards reviewing U.S. history provide continued learning and funwhen away from the computer.

Reward Stickers

Colorful stickers are the perfect reward for a job well done. Decoratenotebooks, backpacks, and more!

Product Features
  • Create Your Journey
  • Share Exciting Stories
  • Talk to Historic Figures

Windows Requirements
  • Windows 98SE, 2000, ME, 2000 SP4, XPSP1 (Administrator privileges are required to properly install the program on Windows 2000 and Windows XP)
  • Pentium 166MHz or higher
  • 100MB free hard disk space
  • 64 MB RAM (128MB RAM for Windows XP)
  • 8X CD-ROM Drive or faster
  • DirectX 8.0 compatible 640×480 16-it color video card
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
  • Optional printer support: works with most popular printers (monochrome or color) supported by Windows
  • Optional Internet Access: 33.6Kbps connection or faster to view Web content
Macintosh Requirements
  • Mac OS 8.6 to System 9.1, OS X v10.1.5
  • PowerPC G3 180MHz or faster
  • 100 MB Free Hard Disk Space
  • 64 MB RAM (128MB RAM for OX S)
  • 8X CD-ROM Drive or faster
  • 800×600 video card capable of displaying thousands of colors
  • Standard Macintosh sound
  • Standard Macintosh sound keyboard
  • Standard Macintosh sound mouse
  • Optional Internet Access: 33.6Kbps connection or faster to view Web content

2 CDs